Adam Troutman
Adam Troutman is a personal trainer and a model of health. But he’s even stronger mentally and emotionally. Adam would need to draw on that strength after a terrible automobile accident. Adam suffered several open fractures in the accident. As a result, both of his legs were amputated below the knee.
Adam came to Vibra Hospital of Charleston from Medical University of South Carolina. He brought with him an infectious attitude that impacted not only his recovery, but all those he encountered.
Terry, Adam’s father, gave him a poster that read “Embrace the Suck.” The phrase is a sort of motto among the military for approaching adversity. Embrace it, accept it for what it is, and push through it. Adam embodied that resilient attitude throughout his recovery. And he always had a smile on his face.
After a five-week stay at Vibra, Adam discharged to Roper Rehab. His health continues to improve at Roper. When we all work together as a team, with the help of a tremendous spirit and family support, we can accomplish great things. Adam’s story is a perfect example of that. We are so grateful for the opportunity to care for Adam and the partnership we enjoy with other healthcare providers in our community!